Funny (as in odd) - I always feel that I don't have enough words when I write. I think of the Red Smith quote: Writing is easy; just open up a vein and bleed. Also, a review of Updike by Martin Amis in the NYT where Amis contrasts Updike with Samuel Beckett ("Headmaster of the Writing Is Agony School") re: their ability to put words on the page. I can talk a blue streak, though (and also had speech therapy. Nice piece.

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I think a lot of people feel the same way you do. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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You know I always loved your writing. This explains you as a kid (I just thought you were quiet). I guess that’s why we were friends, despite the nerd aspect and being one of four girls in a sea of nerds when we met, clinging to the life raft of being female. I’m glad I had you back then…I think we all made each other’s teenage existence more tolerable.

And I can still write forever, but now it’s just impressive emails…

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❤️ I’m super glad I had you too. And you’re definitely still a good writer, I love how you phrased that.

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